Write Once, Share Everywhere

Recently, I extolled the virtues of Liz August and how she helped me publish the e-book Things That I’ve Said but Probably Shouldn’t Have in a weekend.

This week, I’m going to show you how Liz helps me get my content out in the world on a regular basis.

I call it the “Write Once, Share Everywhere” Method.

Step 1: I write the content: Once a month, I send Liz a Google Doc that contains a month’s worth of newsletters like the one you’re reading. We call this “Long-Form Content (LFC).”

Step 2: Liz does The Magic: Liz takes my Long Form Content and

  • Sets up my newsletters for the month and schedules them to go out to all of you.

  • Publishes each newsletter as an individual blog on my website to appease the Google Gods.

  • Creates social media posts from the LFC, including complementary graphics, and schedules the posts so I can maintain a social media presence.

And in case you’re a visual learner, here’s a video showing how Liz does it.

When I say that this approach has completely transformed my business, I'm not exaggerating. Thanks to Liz, I can focus on what I excel at - and let me drop a hint, it's writing - while staying fully engaged in my business without getting bogged down in the nitty-gritty tasks of content production.

It's like pure magic, allowing Liz and me to cook up something amazing together. I can't wait to spill the beans in our next chat!

P.S. Okay, fine, I’ll tell you, but just a little bit. Liz and I have created a service called the "Write Once, Share Everywhere: Done-For-You (DFY) Edition." I craft your content; Liz distributes it on your platforms of choice.
​Already interested? Then book a
Discovery Call with me to learn more. Need more info? Stay tuned for the deets.


If Writing Content Exhausts You, Here’s a Solution


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