A Surprising Place to Get Writing Ideas

Returning to yoga has reminded me of just how much I love meditation.

Now, I am not a fan of the “empty your mind” and “think nothing” kind of meditation. I’ll think nothing when I’m dead.

I’m more a fan of meditation as a moment to “notice what you notice” as my yoga teacher Loni Paul says: the time to tune into the breath, assess how the body feels, and reconnect with your physical self. 

For me, it’s also a time that ignites creativity. 

One of my business tag lines, “writing with brevity, soul & wit,” came to me in meditation, as did the phrase “My Life In Words,” which served as a working title for my first book that may find its way into a future work, book or otherwise.

I like to think of this time as when the muse finds me on the mat.

To capture the muse before she leaves, I'm now bringing a little notebook with me to yoga practice. This way, I can seize the moments when inspiration strikes. After all, there's no greater lie that I tell myself than when I say, "Oh, I don't need to write that down; I'll remember."

Now, back to you.

I encourage you to reflect on your own creative habits. No, scratch that — I dare you.

Whether it's through meditation, journaling, or another practice entirely, consider how you cultivate and capture your moments of inspiration. How do you ensure that your creative sparks don't fade away? Share your thoughts and strategies with me – I'd love to hear from you!


The Next Book Update


Yoga + Consistency