How to Stand Out from the Crowd

Alright, folks, the eclipse party's over! Time to stash those eclipse decorations away before the neighbors start thinking another celestial event (or the Rapture) is on its way!

Now, without further ado, let's dive into the topic of the month: Testimonials.

Here in Judi 411 Land, testimonials have taken center stage, and I must admit, I'm quite the testimonial aficionado. I've crafted nearly 100 testimonials for a diverse array of businesses, spanning from business coaches and marketing firms to mortgage lenders and non-profits. 

I've had the absolute joy of meeting the happiest clients of these business owners. Through my signature 5-question process, I've been able to dig into what makes working with them so great and why these clients stick around or eagerly recommend them to friends without any second thoughts.

The impact on the business owner? It's been consistently eye-opening. Every. Single. Time.

Take, for instance, my client Keziah Robinson, the founder of Cassia Partners and a business coach specializing in guiding co-owners and business partners. Through our collaboration, she unearthed a term that truly sets her apart: 


And guess what? The genesis of that term? It came straight from one of her delighted clients!

Keziah proudly showcases this term in her professional profiles on diverse networking platforms, such as Provisors, the esteemed forum for trusted advisors and experts.

We've also teamed up to integrate various elements from her client testimonials into her website content. Feel free to explore it here.

Now, let me ask you: How would it feel if you uncovered the term that set you apart? I’m pretty sure the answer is “Pretty damn great!”

So what are you waiting for? Let’s get cracking on some testimonials for your business so you can uncover exactly what sets you apart.

It all starts with a Discovery Call with little ol’ me. Let’s get those clients lined up to testify!

Don’t get eclipsed by the competition. Find your spot in the sun!

P.S. It’s school vacation week here in the Greater Boston Area, so if you’re reading this while hiding from your kids, don’t worry; your secret is safe with me. Enjoy your well-deserved break, and let’s connect on a Discovery Call when you’re back on the grid.


Discover the Secret Sauce


Happy 411 Day!