Why CTAs Matter in the Marketing Ecosystem

Hello from the Land of Dry (or Slightly Damp) January, depending on the endurance of those resolutions!

First, how about those photos on the Sunschein Photography website? 

I can’t get enough of them, so I subscribe to Marcie’s newsletter, and you should, too.

Which leads me to the topic I alluded to in my last missive: how working with Marcie is a living, breathing example of how The Marketing Ecosystem works. 

If you’re new here, here’s the SparkNotes version: The Marketing Ecosystem is my way of describing your online presence: the digital garden where websites, blogs, newsletters, and email campaigns each bloom as unique plants and work together to create your brand’s landscape.

Marcie entered the Marketing Ecosystem via The Funnel Plumber, where we tended to her email welcome sequence. Call to action (CTA) is vital in email sequences, and we determined the best singular CTA was “book a connection call.” 

Now, having a unified call to action in your emails is one thing. It’s entirely another to ensure that the CTA works in practice, which is what often leads to a website discussion.

In Marcie’s case, I recommended some ways to automate the “book a call” process, and before we knew it, we talked about some copy changes she’d been contemplating, which led to my suggesting a Website Audit.

Now, her email sequence is working in unison with her website, which makes for a smoother client experience and, let’s face it, makes Marcie’s life a little easier, too.

Just as a lone sprouting weed might draw our focus, we often assume that tackling that singular issue will fix all our marketing hurdles. Yet, that seemingly isolated weed frequently hints at a complex, intertwined root system beneath the surface of our digital garden. Same goes for your marketing ecosystem.

Yes, it can all feel overwhelming, but the only way to start is to begin. If you’re feeling like your digital landscape could use some pruning, let’s talk! Book a Discovery Call with me, and we can figure out your best gateway into the Marketing Ecosystem together.

P.S. Next time, we’ll move out of the garden and into the kitchen, where I’ve got something cooking with my Biz Bestie, Liz August, of Simplify, Simplify. Stay tuned!


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